On May 3, ILMA joined the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) in a letter to Congress asking them to work on another COVID-19 stimulus bill to include coronavirus liability protections for essential businesses, including ILMA-member operations, that have remained open to respond to the COVID-19 crisis. The letter delivered to Capitol Hill requested targeted and limited “safe harbors” for businesses who have done their best with rapidly evolving federal, state and local rules and guidance and who may become the target of coronavirus-related lawsuits. These lawsuits, even when baseless, can hamper the rebuilding and reopening of the country, and further stress the businesses that kept the country running.
We are now seeking your help to put in your own personal calls or emails to members of Congress to help push the bill through, giving give your business this liability protection. You can find your Senator and their contact information here. You can find your representative here. These call talking points can be very helpful, as well as a sample letter you could tailor to your voice and send to your representatives.
As always, I very much appreciate your support — it will benefit your business and everyone in our industry!
In July, OSHA announced its new national heat stress standard aimed at protecting workers from heat-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. If they […]
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Yesterday, ILMA submitted comments on the EPA’s proposal to add certain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which may be included in firefighting […]