ILMA Newsroom

ILMA Demands Delay in Overtime Increases

ILMA Demands Delay in Overtime Increases

Nov. 8, 2024 Update: The PPWO has again requested that the Department of Labor delay the second increase to the minimum salary threshold to at least May 1, 2025, in light of pending litigation.

“This additional time will ensure that employers will not be forced to implement the new salary threshold when it might not survive judicial review, which is currently underway,” the letter states.

Read the full letter here.

“The court in Texas has a hearing on the case today,” noted ILMA General Counsel Jeff Leiter. “While the court could rule from the bench today, it might be a few weeks.”

June 13, 2024 Update: Yesterday, the PPWO sent another letter to Administrator Looman.

“There are currently four legal challenges to the Department of Labor’s overtime rule in various federal courts, leaving the rule in legal jeopardy,” said PPWO spokesperson Josh Ulman. “Despite this legal uncertainty, the rule is currently slated to go into effect on July 1. Implementation of the rule will be costly for both the employer community and the Department, while many workers will face serious repercussions from the rule, including loss of benefits, flexible work arrangements and workplace status. These consequences should not be made lightly. DOL should, therefore, delay implementation of the final rule to allow the courts the opportunity to consider its legality before the impacted communities are forced to bear its costs.”

Original story: On May 9, ILMA joined the Partnership to Protect Workplace Opportunity (PPWO) in sending a letter to the Department of Labor urging them to delay until at least September 1, 2024, the first increase to the minimum salary threshold under the department’s new overtime final rule.

“DOL is expecting the regulated community to implement a 23% increase to the minimum salary threshold in only 60 days,” explained PPWO spokesperson Edwin Egee, vice president of government relations and workforce development with the National Retail Federation. “This includes small businesses, nonprofit organizations, higher education institutions, state and local governments, and public entities.

Worker applies lubricant to large bearing.

“PPWO and the 87 other employer organizations from all corners of the economy that have joined the letter are urging DOL to reconsider their timeline and delay implementation until at the very earliest September 1, 2024.

A delay would ensure the employer community can adjust to the new rule appropriately.”

Read the letter.