ILMA Newsroom

ILMA Submits Comments on OSHA’s Heat Injury and Illness Rule

ILMA Submits Comments on OSHA’s Heat Injury and Illness Rule

In July, OSHA announced its new national heat stress standard aimed at protecting workers from heat-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. If they are put into effect following public comment, the proposed regulations would require employers – including ILMA members – to implement robust measures to safeguard employees from extreme heat both indoors and outdoors and will likely affect their existing workplace safety protocols.

This week, ILMA submitted its comments on the proposed rule. The comments stress that the overwhelming majority of members that participated in a recent survey shared that their employees have never experienced a heat-related injury or illness in the workplace.

ILMA argues that the proposed standard is not supported by data and is unreasonably broad. The Association urges OSHA to gain a better understanding of operations at regulated companies. Finally, ILMA expresses support for non-regulatory actions to prevent heat-related injury and illnesses.

Read ILMA’s comments here.