ILMA Foundation Scholarship Program

Opportunities for Undergrad, Graduate and CTE Students

Do you know a hardworking, deserving student looking for financial support for education? Spread the word! The ILMA Foundation Scholarship Program offers scholarships for undergrad, graduate, as well as community and technical education (CTE) students. The program aims to encourage students in a range of studies to consider a career in lubricant manufacturing. 

The application period for the 2026-2027 school year will open January 2026.

ILMA Foundation “Move the World Forward” Scholarship

The ILMA Foundation’s “Move the World Forward” Scholarship seeks to raise awareness of career opportunities in lubricant manufacturing. It is an award of $3,500 per year and is renewable based on maintenance of a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Any rising or current undergraduate or community and technical education (CTE) student may apply.

Elmer B. Cleves Scholarship

Elmer B. Cleves excelled both in the classroom and in athletic pursuits. The Elmer B. Cleves Scholarship will be awarded to a scholar-athlete who lettered in at least one varsity sport in high school, and who is going on to study science and/or entrepreneurship in college. The scholarship will provide $5,000 per year with a possible maximum of four years per student.

Taglia Scholarship

James A. Taglia is an ILMA Past President and served on the ILMA Board of Directors from 2000 to 2013. Taglia formed ILMA’s Industry Task Force, which initiated the signature testing program that helps enforce our Code of Ethics. The Taglia Scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding student, preferably majoring in chemistry, and preferably from the Taglias’ home states of Minnesota or Ohio. The scholarship will provide $3,500 per year.

Ike Tripp Scholarship

Ike Tripp was CEO/Owner of Etna Products, Inc. from 1990 to 2020. Tripp was ILMA President in 1993-1994 and he served on the ILMA Board from 1987–1996. While President, Tripp founded the ILMA Health & Safety Task Force to address concerns about occupational exposure to metalworking fluids produced by many ILMA member companies. That task force is now a full committee of ILMA called the Safety, Health, Environment and Regulatory Affairs Committee (SHERA). The Ike Tripp Scholarship will be awarded to exceptional students who are enrolled in a 4- or 5-year program of study and majoring in chemistry, chemical engineering and/or entrepreneurship/business. The scholarship will provide $5,000 per year.

Bob Jackson Award

A one-time award of $5,000 ($4,000 awarded at the beginning of research and $1,000 awarded after the research report summary is received by the ILMA Foundation), honoring ILMA Past President Bob Jackson for initiating the ILMA Scholarship Program. For graduate students only, to encourage the pursuit of a degree or career in tribology. Contact Tim Mack at to apply for the Bob Jackson award.

Help Us Spread the Word!

Help us spread the word! Share our flyer with your employees or post in your workplace. The more awareness we raise about these scholarships, the more deserving students we can support and the greater impact we can have on our industry.

The ILMA Foundation is Making a Difference

ILMA Foundation Scholarship Recipient, Rachel Hauserman, shares her experience working at Afton Chemical for the past eight years.

Scholarship Recipients

ILMA is Proud to Present the 2024-2025 ILMA Foundation Scholarship Program Winners!

  • Benedict Cecilio

    Benedict Cecilio

    of Cincinnati, OH is a freshman at the University of California - Berkeley, studying Chemical Engineering. His father, Eric Cecilio, works for Emery Oleochemicals.

  • Daniela Cisneros

    Daniela Cisneros

    of San Antonio, TX, is a freshman at the University of Michigan, studying Chemistry. Her father, Luis Cisneros, works for LEA International.

  • Benjamin Conley

    Benjamin Conley

    of Grayslake, IL is a Junior at Michigan State University, studying Supply Chain & Logistics. His father, Patrick Conley, works for Master Fluid Solutions.

  • Sofia DiSilvestri

    Sofia DiSilvestri

    of Tampa, FL, is a Junior at Florida State University, studying Chemical Engineering. Her father, John DiSilvestri, works for AMALIE Oil Company.

  • Jasmine Gutierrez-Solana

    Jasmine Gutierrez-Solana

    of Scotch Plains, NJ, is a Freshman at the University of California – Santa Barbarba, studying Biology. Her father, Jose Gutierrez-Soalana, works for Infineum USA L.P.

  • Mallory Kayes

    Mallory Kayes

    of Avon, OH is a freshman at the University of Notre Dame, studying Biochemistry. Her father, Gregory Kayes, works for Klueber Lubrication.

  • Dylan Skaggs

    Dylan Skaggs

    of Fort Wayne, IN is a junikor at Purdue University Fort Wayne, studying Business Management. His father, David Skaggs, works for Bechem Lubrication Technology. Dylan was the 2023-2024 winner of the Elmer B. Cleves Award.

Cleves Award

  • Mark Genest

    Mark Genest

    of Atkinson, NH is a freshman at the University of New Hampshire, studying Mechanical Engineering. Mark was a varsity letter winner in three sports in high school, basketball, volleyball and cross country.

Taglia Award

  • Meghan Denton

    Meghan Denton

    of Versailles, KY is a senior at Transylvania University, studying Chemistry. She was encouraged to apply for the scholarship by a family friend, John Battaglia of Palmer Holland. Meghan is an intern at ILMA member company Valvoline.

We need your support!

Contributions to the ILMA Foundation are an investment in our industry.

The ILMA Foundation has awarded more than $700,000 to 221 deserving young students, and has expanded its mission to include industry education and training programs. As we watch the “silver tsunami” of talent washing out the door — which only swelled during the pandemic — we know there aren’t enough young people with the STEM education and skills to fill the empty talent pools left in labs and on the shop floor. Attracting prospective workers to the lubricants industry is a big focus for the ILMA Foundation. You can play a part in this critical work by contributing today. Your tax-deductible contribution will empower the next generation of leaders and enable the ILMA Foundation to expand its reach and impact.